Loop Current Attenuator


In Stock

PRICE: US$ 59.53

Our Loop Current Attenuator let's you reduce the Loop Current on a line by flipping one or more of the four DIP switches.

There are no electronics in this Attenuator. There are only passive electronic components.

High Loop Current symptoms include: • Burned out Key, PBX and Data equipment • Cut-offs and squealing on lines • Crosstalk, echo or hollow sounds • Off premise equipment problems • Garbled data and modems that won't connect

NOTE: Because there are no electronics in the Loop Current Attenuator, if the Loop Current changes down the road, you may need to adjust the attenuation again.

Our Loop Current Regulators always regulate the current to 25ma no matter what!

Generally our Loop Current Regulators are the easier and more reliable solution, unless you need to attenuate to a specific value other than 25ma.