Explore the World of Kong
Kong - The Animated Series, Vol. 2 is an exciting adventure that brings the beloved King Kong franchise to life in a whole new way. This 2-disc set features 442 minutes of animated action, delivering non-stop entertainment for kids and adults alike. With its fullscreen format and English language, it's perfect for US audiences looking for a fun and thrilling ride.
A Classic Animated Series
Originally released in 2007, Kong - The Animated Series, Vol. 2 is a true classic in the world of animation. With its engaging storylines and lovable characters, it's no wonder this series has stood the test of time. Whether you're a fan of the King Kong franchise or just love animated adventures, this DVD is a must-have for your collection.
Lionsgate - A Brand You Can Trust
From the renowned Lionsgate brand, Kong - The Animated Series, Vol. 2 is a high-quality DVD that's sure to please. With its commitment to delivering exceptional entertainment experiences, Lionsgate is a brand you can trust to bring you the best in animation and beyond.
Product Details
This DVD set features a Region: NTSC-U/S (United States/U.S. territories, Canada or Bermuda systems) format, making it compatible with a wide range of devices. With its 2-disc set and 442-minute runtime, you'll be treated to hours of thrilling animation.
Buy Online Now!
Don't miss out on the adventure - buy Kong - The Animated Series, Vol. 2 DVD online now and get ready for a wild ride! With its affordable price and exceptional quality, this DVD is a must-have for any animation fan.