A Gripping Crime Drama Unfolds
Get ready to be enthralled by the intense and thought-provoking crime drama, A Jersey Tale. Directed by Michael Tolajian, this unrated film takes you on a journey of self-discovery and the importance of community and responsibility. With a talented cast, including Mike Benitez, Marjan Neshat, and Mikey Romano, this film is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
The Story Unfolds
Ray Ray Morales, the protagonist, finds himself in a financial bind, but his woes disappear when he starts working for the neighborhood loan shark. As he oversees cash flow at the pawnshop, Ray Ray soon finds himself caught between the shop owner and his dangerous crime boss. Both have strong lessons to teach about the importance of community and the meaning of responsibility. Will Ray Ray be able to navigate this treacherous path and come out on top?
A Talented Cast Brings the Story to Life
The talented cast of A Jersey Tale brings the story to life with their outstanding performances. Mike Benitez, Marjan Neshat, and Mikey Romano deliver standout performances that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a script that's both gripping and thought-provoking, the cast brings the characters to life in a way that's both relatable and engaging.
Technical Specifications
This DVD release of A Jersey Tale features a 92-minute runtime on a single disc. The film is presented in English language audio, making it perfect for an immersive viewing experience. The NTSC-U/S region compatible disc is suitable for playback on United States/U.S. territories, Canada or Bermuda systems.
Buy A Jersey Tale DVD Online Today
If you're looking to add a gripping crime drama to your DVD collection, look no further than A Jersey Tale. With its talented cast, thought-provoking script, and technical specifications that ensure a great viewing experience, this film is a must-buy for fans of the genre. So why wait? Buy A Jersey Tale DVD online today and get ready to be caught between community and responsibility!