Uncover the Story of a Notorious Crime Lord
Mr. Untouchable is a 2007 crime documentary film that delves into the life of Leroy 'Nicky' Barnes, a infamous drug lord who ruled the streets of New York City in the 1970s. Directed by Marc Levin, this film takes an unflinching look at Barnes' life, featuring interviews with key figures who knew him best.
Region-Free DVD for Worldwide Playback
This DVD is free of region restrictions, making it compatible with NTSC-U/S systems used in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda. You can play it on any DVD player that supports these formats.
Unfiltered and Uncensored
Mr. Untouchable is a raw and unflinching portrayal of Barnes' life, including his rise to power, his struggles with addiction, and his eventual downfall. You'll get to see the real story behind the legend, without any sugarcoating or censorship.
High-Quality Widescreen Format
This DVD features a high-quality widescreen format, ensuring that you get an immersive viewing experience. Plus, with Spanish subtitles, you can enjoy the film with friends and family who may not speak English fluently.
A Must-Watch for True Crime Fans
If you're fascinated by true crime stories, Mr. Untouchable is a must-watch. This documentary film provides a unique glimpse into the life of a notorious crime lord, and it's a great addition to any true crime collection. Buy your copy today!